Canadian Certified Pedorthist putting an orthotic inside a shoe

What is a Pedorthist?

Many people are unaware of what a Canadian Certified Pedorthist is, what we do, and what makes us different from other practitioners. We are often confused with a Podiatrist or Chiropodist, but those are different certifications.Top cover getting glued on a custom foot orthotic

What does a Pedorthist do?

From the Pedorthic Association of Canada website, Canadian Certified Pedorthists “are allied healthcare professionals trained in the assessment of lower limb anatomy and biomechanics. They specialize in the design, fit, and modification of custom-made orthotics, orthopaedic footwear, and braces. C. Ped (C)s determine a patient’s treatment through a biomechanical exam and gait analysis. As proud members of patients’ healthcare teams, Canadian Certified Pedorthists work with physicians, nurse practitioners, and other healthcare providers. The goal of every Canadian Certified Pedorthist is to help patients achieve and maintain proper foot care and lower limb health so they can live healthy, active lives.”

In short, Pedorthists specialize in the lower limb, gait, custom foot orthotics, orthopaedic footwear and braces. Our assessments are very thorough as we can spend up to an hour for the initial assessment. This includes a history, shoe analysis, weight bearing analysis, non-weight bearing analysis, gait analysis and education for the patient. With information from the comprehensive assessment, a custom foot orthotic is designed and appropriate shoes can be recommended.


Canadian Certified Pedorthists are also trained in the manufacturing portion of the custom foot orthotics and shoe modifications. Pedorthists can make their own custom orthotics from start to finish, or at least complete their own modifications.

Pedorthic Association of Canada Logo College of Pedorthics of Canada LogoWho regulates a Pedorthist?

There are two governing bodies that regulate Canadian Certified Pedorthist:  the Pedorthic Association of Canada (PAC) and the College of Pedorthics of Canada.

PAC is the association that helps Canadian Certified Pedorthists. They help with getting the Pedorthic name out into the public and with other matters that help Pedorthists.

The College protects the public. If there are concerns relating to improper practices or ethics issues, the college investigates these.

Training to become a Canadian Certified Pedorthist

To become a Canadian Certified Pedorthist, an undergraduate degree in Kinesiology (most common), Science, Technology, Engineering, or Mathematics is required. This allows for an application into the Pedorthic program at Western University. Once accepted, there is a 1 year full time or 2 year part time program. This program combines online classes and a clinical component for hands on experience.

Once completing the Pedorthic program, each candidate must pass a certification exam, which consists of a 3 hour written and a 1.5 hour clinical exam.

What doesn’t a Pedorthist do?

Looking for removal or a corn or callus? This is something a Pedorthist is not trained in. Footcare nurses, chiropodists and podiatrists are trained in the skin care/footcare portion of the feet. When nails need to be trimmed, or corns, calluses or warts need to be removed, a referral out to another practitioner is needed.

Bunion surgery is another qualification that a Pedorthist is not trained in. For this, an orthopaedic surgeon is needed. Pedorthists can help with bunions by using custom foot orthotics or orthopaedic shoes as a treatment, but the removal is not in our scope of practice.


Canadian Certified Pedorthists are “allied healthcare professionals trained and specializing in the assessment of lower limb anatomy and biomechanics” ( We have extensive training to treat lower limb pain and conditions with custom foot orthotics and orthopaedic shoes.

If you are interested in an assessment from a Canadian Certified Pedorthist, contact us or book online!

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