Post by: Julia in Conditions
Calluses and Corns What are Calluses and Corns? Calluses and corns are thickened areas of the skin. This thickened skin is a response to an area of higher pressure or shear. To protect the skin, the body responds by thickening…

Post by: Julia in Conditions Foot Pain
Bunion and Hallux Valgus What are Bunions? Bunions are a bony deformity on the side of the big toe joint (1st MTP joint). It can be accompanied with or without the deviation of the toe (hallux valgus). When the bunion…

Post by: Julia in Conditions Foot Pain
Bone Spurs in the Foot What is a bone spur? A bone spur is a bone growth on a structure attaching to the bone. This structure may be a tendon, which attaches the muscle to the bone, or growth on…

Post by: Julia in Conditions Foot Pain
Plantar Fasciitis Plantar fasciitis is one of the most common diagnoses that I see in the clinic. It can be quite debilitating and affect day to day life. What exactly is this fasciitis, and how do you get rid of…